I apologize for the lack of posts over the past week but I have been fighting off a sinus infection, thanks to all the nasty germs that have been floating around the city, and the toddler circuit for that matter. It was a nice and quiet weekend for me, holed up inside during the dreary weather, eating chili and blowing my nose.
Over the weekend, I did discover how awesome these cups are for guests, or your own children, when you just do not have the energy to scrub every tiny crevice of a thermos straw. Whether you are in a rush, sick or just lazy, sometimes we all need the comfort of disposable dinnerware. Instead of using the small, and already chewed apart straws that come with these cups, I reserve a stack of cups and lids together in my drawer, and stick a paper or trashable plastic straw in them for our toddler friends. We had young dinner guests on Friday night and these were at the dinner table, along with some reserved Bubble Guppies napkins from Bryce and Brody’s second birthday.
They were so easy to clean – I just threw the straws out and tossed the lids and bases in the dishwasher- that I continued to use them all weekend for my kids, even after our guests had left. They are light weight, do not really leak, easy to stack and store, and most importantly, are plastered with the characters my kids love.
I may even order an extra stack to keep in my bag for restaurants with lidless glasses. Sometimes, I get a little sick of lugging around those heavy metal water bottles. My kids enjoy drinking out of a regular cup, but I am definitely not up for changing their sopping wet shirts when they get a little overzealous with their gulps.
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